AloEx Hair Regrowth Serum + AloEx Hair Regrowth Shampoo.
1. Aloex Hair Regrowth Shampoo is a product that was specially developed for those who suffer from hair loss, thinning hair, and unhealthy scalp.
Which hair type is it good for?
Stranight / Wavy / Curly / Colored Hair / All ages and gender
Nourishs hair root and scalp
-Prevent hair loss
-Help reduce Dandruff
-Increase and make hair become smooth and shiny
2. AloEx Hair Regrowth Serum
Aloex Hair Regrowth Serum is specially developed for those who suffer from hair loss, thinning hair, and unhealthy scalp.
Which hair type is it good for?
Stranight / Wavy / Curly / Colored Hair / Unisex and all ages
-Prevent Hair Loss, Thin Hair
-Gets rid of scalp itchiness and dnadruff
-Stimulates hair growth, deeply penetrates and rejuvenates hair roots
-Help hair become smooth
** This product is qualified and approved by the certificated manufacturer of The food and Drug Administration license 10-1-5507680 and 10-1-5528970 as well as assured quality by GMP.